Location – GCT 27
137 acres of woodland of Old Dunstable Road, Access provided by Blood Road, and numerous trails connect with abutting conservation lands.
Trails are open dawn to dusk
Purchased in a bargain sale from Edward and Jean Mason by the Groton Land Foundation in 2002 as a conservation limited development project. The Groton Land Foundation partially recouped its expense with the sale of one house lot. A 14-acre portion of the property extends into Dunstable.
In 2014, Groton Conservation Trust sold to the Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife approximately one-half of the parcel.
There is a substantial home site on the property including cellar hole and barn foundation. An old meadow is intact including a well-set stone wall. The property is transited by a former road. The parcel has two extensive wetlands as well as high uplands consisting of pine and oak forests. It is understood that parcel is of high habitat value including the only peat bog in Groton.
The property serves as a sanctuary for plants and animals and contains a variety of important habitats. Maintenance of these habitats and refuges is a critical goal.
A full range of non-motorized activities are allowed including:
Horse-back riding; Mountain biking; Hiking; Trail running; Snowshoeing; Nordic skiing; Nature study; and Photography.
Trail Maps