Route 225 or Long Hill Road with parking at New England Forestry Foundation property Groton Place.
Trails are open dusk till dawn.
Given in 1971 by Steven and Mary Sabine
A narrow ten-acre strip of land which follows along the eastern bank of the Nashua River for about 2000 feet. A path runs the length of the property, originating at the most southerly extension of the Groton Place trail system proceeding southward and terminating at the Groton School boat house. The public access ends there and trail users must retrace their steps. The path offers fine views of the Nashua on the west; along its eastern border is a series of vernal pools. In the early spring, while it may be muddy, the path is also a great place to hear a tree frog serenade.
The Sabine Memorial Woods are adjacent to two other conservation properties owned and managed by the New England Forestry Foundation: another Sabine Woods and The Groton Place besides its trails it is distinguished by its planned areas, monuments, careful plantings and maintenance as a park-like nature preserve.
The property serves as a sanctuary for plants and animals and contains a variety of important habitats. Maintenance of these habitats and refuges is a critical goal.
A full range of non-motorized activities are allowed including: Horse-back riding; Mountain biking; Hiking; Trail running; Snowshoeing; Nordic skiing; Nature study; and Photography.
Trail Map