Bates Land is closed while we complete the next phase of our multi-year restoration project.
October Update: Thank you for your continued patience while we complete the work at Bates. We are in the final phases of this part of the project. The new accessible path will be installed in the coming weeks, and we are continuing work on amending and replanting the fields with native species. We anticipate that the property will reopen in November and will post additional updates on our social media pages. We look forward to seeing you on the trail in November!
September update: The James Brook culvert is now in at Bates and looks good. The next steps are that John Smigelski will be disking the meadows and Bennett Black will be clearing the logs, invasives and a large dead tree from the area between the picnic area and the first back meadow. He will also be finishing some work on the parking area. He will then be constructing the accessible path, preparing the meadows for seeding and then seeding wildflowers and native grasses, hopefully over the next couple of weeks. The drought helped with constructing the culvert since James Brook was dry, but once we seed the meadows, we will be rooting for wetter weather.
The parcel will reopen for recreation later in the month, stay tuned for opening announcements.

Thanks to Bob Pine for capturing the new culvert as it is being put into place.